- Kazuhiko (who is excessively proud of the fact that doing a search for 'princessmaker' on google.co.jp gives his homepage as the 9th result...)
Weirdest search logged so far:
kitten pictures as i walk through the valley of darkness i will fear no evil (google)
Whoa. That's pretty good. Can I suggest linking which wiki page such searches turn up, so that you don't immediately get a second copy? ;)
Sure. Except that one didn't hit a wiki page - it hit the Boy and the Darkness, [chapter 1-7]. - MoonShadow, who can just imagine the mindset.. "<high-pitched squeaky voice>Oh, I'd like some pretty pictures of kittens</high-pitched squeaky voice> <deep booming voice>AS I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF DARKNESS</deep booming voice>"
A more mundane suggestion would be that they went searching for the second piece, not having noticed their more saintly younger sister had left 'kitten pictures' in there. Then they clicked, wondering who on earth would actually have such a page. Or maybe it was searching for a 'war kitty' type image.
PeterTaylor hypothesises it was someone looking for a poster they had seen / they thought someone must have created by now.
That'll be it. It'll be someone looking for one of those posters of cute kittens/puppies/ducklings/whatever that have a bible verse on them - SunKitten
Yes, but a kitten walking through the valley of death? I mean 'hang in there kitty' it aint. --Vitenka (Google finds a scary number of sites with text along those lines, though)
'how to topdeck' {boggle} (Um, to explain to those who don't already know - to TopDeck means to blindly draw precisely the right card from the top of your deck. It's pure luck, unless you use marked cards.)
'Sheet music to starwars' ended up on exactly the right page, but must have gone away amusingly disappointed.
'dum dum dum dededum' ended up on exactly the right page, and probably went away quite happy.
'starwars startrek crossover stories' ended up on almost exactly the wrong page. I am amused.
I wonder if there's a whole suite of people out there who use google to find wiki sites? It's the only explanation I can thing of for all of those perfect matches on 'skiesofarcadia' for example. --Vitenka
To add - I have now started doing this. Missing out the spaces drives away all of the pointless "Buy our stuff - oh sorry, out of stock" pages, and does seem to increase hte information density.
Now, does anyone know how to get the google API to report on what (or at least how many) keywords put a site (this one) to the top of the rankings? Because it is a disturbingly high number... --Vitenka Latest batch, scraped by ChrisHowlett 'cos he was bored.
Vitenka/Quotes is a source of more wisdom than we knew, as the endpoint of a search for 'get rid of static in trousers'
Best of all, though, is that due to the last check for random searches, a google search for 'hang in there kitten image' and one for '"hang in there kitty" poster' hit this page.
I'm personally somewhat disturbed by the search for "man in pink tutu", though unsurprised it landed here... - MoonShadow
'wiki mooing'?! Why was someone looking for that?
Someone looking for 'ravnica spoiler' hit AlexChurchill's homepage.
'examples of Hitler avoiding antagonising stalin' ended up on CICCU. :boggle:
PeterTaylor was rather disturbed to see that not only did 'woking melon puke' hit PeterTaylor/STEPQuotes, but it's the first hit for that search on Google. StuartFraser is the third Google hit for '"mediocre assassin"'. Why was anyone looking for mediocre assassins?
Maybe they simply wanted to shock the intended target rather than killing them. --Angoel