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MerryChristmas --DouglasReay
MerryChristmas indeed! --SunKitten



Well, thank goodness this year's nearly over! —DR
MerryChristmas! However bad the year's been, it's still worth saying :) - SunKitten
MerryChristmas all, and very best wishes for the new year. --AlexChurchill

Happy New Year —DR

A slightly late MerryChristmas from the lurker, and a Happy New Year! Hopefully 2021 doesn't go like 2020 did!- ALessConfusedWolf


Oops, we missed one last year! Well, happy Christmas everyone :) - SunKitten


MerryChristmas to ToothyWikizens and friends one and all! --AlexChurchill
I'd settle for "Peaceful" and "Stress-free" --Pallando
MerryChristmas to all, may it be restful and enjoyable :) - SunKitten


MerryChristmas to all! - SunKitten
MerryChristmas everyone! --AlexChurchill
Ditto! --DouglasReay


Merry Christmas everyone! --AlexChurchill
MerryChristmas! - SunKitten
Happy Christmas! --MoonShadow
Ditto! --Clive.


Seasonal blessings and tidings of peace and goodwill to one and all. --DouglasReay
MerryChristmas! --MoonShadow
Merry Christmas everyone! --AlexChurchill
MerryChristmas to all! :) --SunKitten


Seasonal blessings and tidings of peace and goodwill to one and all. --DouglasReay
Happy Christmas everyone! - SunKitten
Merry Christmas to all! --AlexChurchill
MerryChristmas! --MoonShadow
Bah.. Humbug! -- DDD
Merry Christmas! Hope you're all having sleighfuls of festive fun! --Whistway
MerryChristmas everybunny.  --Vitenka


Seasonal blessings and tidings of peace and goodwill to one and all. --AlexChurchill
Happy Christmas all! - SunKitten
Merry Christmas! --MoonShadow


Have a happy day today!  --Pallando
Happy Christmas! - SunKitten
MerryChristmas everyone. <Yawn>. Benjamin, it's far too early. --CH
MerryChristmas to one and all! --AlexChurchill
AaaAaaAaa?! Dada! --BethanyChurchill
Merry Christmas! --MoonShadow
Merry Christmas everyone! --PWF


...to all! --MoonShadow & SunKitten
MerryChristmas from, for the first time, Corsham, Wiltshire! --ChrisHowlett
MerryDecember25th? --Pallando
MerryChristmas ^_^ --RobHu and Pigwotflies
And to all a good night. --AlexChurchill


and a Happy New Year --Pallando
MerryChristmas() --Requiem
MerryChristmas, Happy New year, Good Hogmanay, Eat, drink and be merry! --Garbled
MerryChristmas, and here is a [Christmas message] ^_^ --RobHu
MerryChristmas one and all. --Pigwotflies
Merry Christmas! --Anonyman
Happy Christmas everyone! - SunKitten
Merry Christmas --SF


MerryChristmas to all! - MoonShadow ^^
MerryChristmas one and all, from the middle of nowhere in deepest Dorset ^^ --AlexChurchill
MerryChristmas from the outskirts of nowhere in deepest Lincolnshire --StuartFraser
MerryChristmasKwanzaaYuleSaturnaliaHanukkahDongzhiKorochun? and a Happy FeastOfFools --DR
MerryChristmas, somewhat late, from the edge of somewhere, Ayrshire --ChrisHowlett
Merry Boxing day.  Sorry!  --Vitenka


MerryChristmas, ToothyWikizens, visitors, regulars and aliens, Cantabrigians, gaijin, and all who live! --AlexChurchill, Rachael and GreenOpal
MerryChristmas, everyone. --Steve
MerryChristmas to everyone ^^ - SunKitten & MoonShadow
MerryReligiousAgnosticSeasonalGreetings? to one and all. --DR
HappyChristmas to all...  Just don't ask me why Christmases are Happy rather than Merry over here... - Kazuhiko & Nataku
MerryChristmas, people (and any others) --Edwin


MerryChristmas to all! - MoonShadow
Merry Christmas :) Although it's not overly 'Merry' for me as I'm working :( --Whistway
MerryChristmas :D --Steve
Merry Christmas! As in being festive, not the hobbit. --Androidkiller
Merry/Happy? (delete as appropriate) Christmas! --M-A & Nat


I could be sneaky and wait until Jan6, but I won't.  Goodnight to all, and to all a good night.  --Vitenka
MerryChristmas to all even if you don't celebrate it. --Steve
.. Jan 6th? Merry Christmas people :) - SunKitten
(n+1)thed - MoonShadow
May Santa bring you what you need, may your friends bring you joy, and may your faith bring you to wisdom and inner peace.  Merry Christmas --DouglasReay
Feliz Navidad --K (JetLag?ged)
Merry Christmas ^_^ --Edith
Merry Christmas! CURSWiki: Androidkiller
May there be much merriment and little standing on Christmas tree needles --Edwin
MerryChristmas! --Requiem

... we missed 2004, I guess?
[This page] suggests so :) MerryChristmas, one and all. Have a wonderful, peaceful, delightful time. --AlexChurchill

Merry Christmas all. --StuartFraser
Kurisumasu Omedetou!!! --Kii
Merry Christmas one and all! --M-A & Nat


Merry Christmas and a HappyNewYear.
I'm away from the computer until after both, so I wish them both to you all, and to all a GoodNight?.  --Vitenka (Um, maybe not good night, my boss is unhappy with the idea of me getting in to work just to go to sleep.)

and a happy Hannukah - Garbled

Merry Christmas all.  And to Kazuhiko, thanks for your card, I'm sorry I've not managed to reply to either that or the invite... Gomen... --MJ
Don't worry about it.  I'm just glad to hear the cards got there in time (unlike the package I sent my parents... grr...). --K

Merry Christmas to all from SF

Happy Christmas to everyone from all at TheFlat :)

A merry and peaceful Christmas to all, from AlexChurchill, GreenOpal and the rest of the Churchills' household in Bournemouth!

Merry Christmas and have a Pippin' New Year. --DouglasReay

Merry Christmas to all the ToothyWikizens from across the pond... --Kazuhiko and Nataku

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Try not to get too drunk --Edith

Merry last-20-minutes-of-Christmas. --NickTaylor

Merry, er... Boxing Day. --ChrisHowlett

HearHear?. HoHoHo?. - Requiem


Merry Christmas everybody.

Thirded - MoonShadow
And from here too - SunKitten
And a happy new year to all! - Tsunami

A bit late (but still Christmas here!) - Happy Christmas all, have fun! - Kazuhiko

Merry Christmas one and all. Ho Ho Ho! --Edith
Now that's a belated greeting from 2002! ;)  --Vitenka
Time Travel --Edith

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Last edited December 25, 2022 11:14 pm (viewing revision 106, which is the newest) (diff)